1. Conditions to Start the Trout Hatchery

It is very important to take into account the conditions of the trout to start a hatchery.

  • Physical condition when the trout are delivered: Among the factors to take into account is that they swim in a correct way, that they do not have inflammations in their eyes, that they do not present visible malformations, that they have the adequate body coloration, that they do not block or are not stressed.
  • It must be taken into account the origin or provenance of the trout and if they have been transported in optimal conditions, since they are very sensitive fish and irregularities can cause high mortality rates.

2.Reproduction in Trout Farming

When the females spawn, they can produce between 2500 and 5000 eggs which are placed in incubators where they are watered with the male’s semen. In the incubator they are left for a month, where they reach a length of about 3 centimeters.

3. Artificial feeding for the trout hatchery

The farmed trout are fed with artificial food beloved pellet which is made of fishmeal. These pellets are given to them 2 to 3 times a day.

4. Trout Hatchery Water Maintenance

It is important that trout farming uses water that is as clean and easy to renew as possible. The water for trout farms should come from a spring or river as it needs a certain proportion of oxygen, alkalinity, carbon dioxide and a large quantity.

Although this type of water has its drawbacks, such as river water can sometimes be cloudy, it can have temperature variations and spring water can lack sufficient oxygen.

5. Trout Hatchery Installation

  • In order to raise trout, certain facilities are needed, such as a dam or dyke, from which the necessary water is channelled.
  • With a channel the water needed for trout farming will be caused. A decantation and distribution pond is also needed, which is the place where the water arrives to decant and then distribute.
  • Filters with sand, gravel, pebbles or charcoal are needed in the hatchery because the eggs and fry need clean water.
  • In addition, breeding and fattening ponds are needed, which are usually separated and made vertical. Drainage channels are placed opposite the water inlet so that no substances and waste are accumulated. In addition, pumps are used for cleaning.
  • Machinery must be available for the automation of the feeding.
  • Attached constructions must be made to be used as food deposits, to store the machinery, slaughterhouse and commercialization of trout.
  • It is necessary to have classification and selection tools as well as delivery trucks.
  • And from now on aerators and air pumps.

6. Tips to Make Your Trout Farm a Success

Trout are raised in special pools called fish farms and are generally highly profitable. In order to have good achievements we must take into account certain factors:

  • To look for areas to install a trout hatchery that have a water course or springs.
  • That the water has a certain special temperature, since it will result in the growth rate of the trout.
  • Pay attention to the correct disposal of waste, both chemical products and metabolic waste, harmful microorganisms, different drugs, etc.
  • Paying attention to the water is fundamental, it must always be clean.
  • Seek technical advice. It is very important so that the cost of production is not high and losses are minimized. It is also important to know what to do with the trout, how to sell them, to whom, how to renew the lots, how to enter the market, how to handle them when they get sick.

To raise trout requires a lot of knowledge and that is why we recommend having advice.

Benefits of Trout

Since trout is an oily fish, it is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and is therefore considered one of the healthy fish. It is necessary to consider that during the pregnancy it should be consumed in the second or third trimester of the pregnancy.

It should be consumed no more than 350 grams per week and pay attention that the trout is well cooked because it runs the risk of containing listeriosis bacteria, bacteria that can pass to the placenta and from there to the fetus. Pregnant women should not eat trout in sushi or smoked, it should always be cooked.

How To start Trout Hatchery Business Tips Guide